What are the benefits of affiliation?
Affiliation can now be carried out online via JustGo.
If you do not yet have Club Admin permissions enabled, please get in touch by emailing
a. Maintain an up to date membership list in JustGo. The exception , adding new members by the time of their 7th club session.
b. Provide contact details for Club Secretary and, if the club has any under 18s a Safeguarding Officer.
Clubs are required to collect Name, email, address, gender, DOB for all members/club associates.
(template constitutions and policies are all available here)
a. Event Safety - clubs organising events to non-club members are required to comply with the British Canoeing Event Safety requirements including appointing an Event Safety Officer (if the club has any events for non club members).
b. In addition, we recommend clubs consider implementing the following documents. Guidance and templates are available on this page.
i. Standard Operating Procedures
ii. Health and Safety Policy
iii. Risk Assessment(s)
Club secretaries will be required to accept these declarations when renewing the club affiliation. This will be a single tick box online. Please ensure the Club Secretary has the authority to agree to them at time of affiliation/renewal.
Only when the above requirements have been met and the club has received formal confirmation via the SCA office is affiliation complete. Affiliation is valid for 12 months.
We are very mindful that increasing the number and degree of things required to affiliate to the SCA places even more of a burden on the volunteers running the clubs. We are here to help - whether it be through a phone call, a meeting or sharing templates or examples of things from other clubs (with their permission). So please do get in touch with any of the SCA staff or the volunteer Regional Officers and let us know how we can assist you. Contact details are available here.
More information and guidance for clubs, including Marketing, Club Case Studies and SCA Policies is also available here .
Club Size | from 1/12/24 | from 1/12/25 |
Clubs with up to 20 members who are not individual SCA members | £130 | £140 |
Clubs with up to 21-40 members who are not individual SCA members | £210 | £225 |
Clubs with between 41 and 100 members who are not individual SCA members | £280 | £295 |
Clubs with between 101 and 200 members who are not individual SCA members | £455 | £480 |
Clubs with more than 200 members who are not individual SCA members | £545 | £575 |
Now available to SCA Affiliated Clubs is an extension to the Just Go platform for clubs to process the clubs own memberships, event bookings and payments. We know many clubs have already started utilising other online systems and payment methods whilst some are still using more manual methods but seeking other solutions.
A primary benefit is single source data - all the data is in one place with full GDPR compliance. You have no need to enter data in another system. Members log in to one system to manage all their information for the club and SCA. Payments are sent directly to the club's own bank account.
JustGo for Clubs is a competitively priced subscription based service with a small monthly fee and a transaction fee for credit / debit card payments. Cheques are recorded free.
There are many benefits to integrating the clubs processing with the existing SCA Just Go system.
For more information contact or visit the Club section in Just Go.
Club Associate Members are covered for third party liability insurance for any paddling activity within their club that has had due diligence/risk assessment carried out by the relevant and accountable club representative(s) and is organised and delivered by club members (or others appointed by the committee) for club members and promoted on the official club calendar, website, social media or noticeboard”
“Club activities can also include inter-club activities (involving no more than 4 clubs) providing all clubs involved recognise it as part of their official club activities (see above definition). In this case one club (host club) is responsible for risk assessment, management of the activity and sharing this information with the other clubs who take part.