Reporting Discrimination

Reporting Discrimination Guidance

The Scottish Canoe Association believes that paddlesport is for everyone. We endorse the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion, and strive to ensure that everyone who wishes to be involved in SCA paddlesport activities and events:

  • Can be assured of an environment in which their rights, dignity and individual worth are respected, and in particular that they are able to enjoy their sport without the threat of intimidation, victimisation, harassment or abuse.

  • Has a genuine and equal opportunity to participate to the full extent of their own ambitions and abilities, without regard to their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

For this to represent the lived experiences of paddlers, paddlesport in Scotland needs to be a safe and enjoyable experience/environment for all, where discrimination (of any kind) is not tolerated. 

Our Discrimination Reporting process allows any forms of discrimination to be reported and investigated effectively, with the aim of supporting an accessible and nurturing environment. It also allows us to monitor potential high risk areas and better understand the educational needs within the Scottish Paddlesport community.

This Discrimination Reporting Guide aims to assist the understanding of:

  • Forms of discrimination;
  • Discrimination within Scottish paddlesport
  • Guidance to effectively challenge and report any potential breaches

To learn more about what constitutes discrimination, specific forms of discrimination, the 9 protected characteristics (see video below), as well as the SCA discrimination reporting process, please refer to the full information in PDF format here. Also included:

  • Guidance on reporting a complaint during a competition/event or within a club setting
  • Dealing with inappropriate language and behaviour
  • Challenging behaviour directly
  • When discrimination should be reported to the police
  • What constitutes a hate incident

Report discrimination to the SCA using the Discrimination Reporting Form.

Report Discrimination Here Reporting Discrimination Guidance Contact Us

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