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We will be recruiting for new SUP Safer providers in April 2025. Note your interest in your Paddle Scotland JustGo profile and we will contact you when applications open.
We will be recruiting for new White Water Safety providers in April 2025. Note your interest in your Paddle Scotland JustGo profile and we will contact you when applications open.
Given the multi discipline nature of this course we are looking for applicants with qualifications in White Water Canoe, White Water SUP and White Water Kayak. At least one of these needs to be a Coach qualification; the other's can be Leadership. Specialists in Rafting will also be considered.
The last recruitment took place in April 2024. We are committed to recruiting at least every 4-years. We are not expecting to recruit providers in 2025.
Note your interest in your Paddle Scotland JustGo profile and we will contact you when applications open.
The last recruitment took place in April 2024. We are committed to recruiting at least every 3-years. We are not expecting to recruit providers in 2025.
Note your interest in your Paddle Scotland JustGo profile and we will contact you when applications open.
The last recruitment took place in April 2024. We are committed to recruiting at least every 3-years. We are not expecting to recruit providers in 2025.
Note your interest in your Paddle Scotland JustGo profile and we will contact you when applications open.
The last general recruitment took place in April 2024.
In April 2025 we will be recruiting for new tutors of the following awards:
Further details on the provider requirements will be available in due course, but we will be considering applicants who hold these qualifications;
Applications will open in April 2025, and successful applicants are invited to attend compulsory orientation later in the year:
Please pencil these dates in your diary if you intend on applying. If successful you will be required to attend. The cost is £450.
We are committed to recruiting Leadership award tutors at least every 4-years. We are not expecting to recruit leadership providers for other disciplines in 2025.
Note your interest in your Paddle Scotland JustGo profile and we will contact you when applications open.
If you wish to become a provider of the British Canoeing Personal Performance Awards, you must first complete the Personal Performance Awards Provider eLearning is designed to support Providers with the delivery of the British Canoeing Personal Performance Awards. The activities will give a range of information about how Providers can support paddlers and all the information they need to know about the Personal Performance Awards.
The eLearning costs £15, will take approximately an hour to complete and you will also receive the following upon completion:
Applications will open in April 2025 and successful applicants are invited to attend compulsory face-to-face orientation later in the year:
5th July 2025 Grandtully
4th July 2026 Grandtully
3rd July 2027 Grandtully
Please pencil this date in your diary if you intend on applying. If successful you will be required to attend.
The cost in 2025 is £175. Tutors delivering exclusively as volunteers are able to apply for a 50% discount. Please email to request and provide details of the your planned delivery.
The Paddle Safer course is designed for anyone new or relatively inexperienced to paddling wanting to gain knowledge and raise their awareness of paddling safely in a sheltered water environment in, or on, the craft that they paddle.
All aspirant Providers will need to complete the Paddle Safer Provider eLearning package before delivering the course, as well as remaining current with valid first aid, safeguarding training and up to date CPD. The eLearning enables all Providers to access the package in their own time, reducing the need for travel, making this a more cost effective and sustainable route for all Providers.
The eLearning provides guidance and structure on the ethos and delivery of the course, as well as how to certificate participants. Each module has a session guide with linked resources. If you're also a Personal Performance Award Provider, you can offer dual certification of the Paddle Safer and Paddle Discover Award.
The Paddle Safer eLearning provides 5 CPD points, and only costs £10. There is no provider administration fee for courses run and no certification fee.
We will be recruiting for providers of the new BCAB Modules in April 2025.
Details on provider requirements will be published shortly.
Note your interest in your Paddle Scotland JustGo profile and we will contact you when more information is available and when applications open.
We recruit on an annual basis and deliver at least one provider orientation per year. Aspirant providers will book on the advertised events on a first come first served basis, subject to meeting the advertised criteria.
The recent application process has now closed. Next recruitment expected 2026 (TBC).
We will be recruiting for new tutors in April 2025.
See details of the provider requirements below.
Applications will open in April 2025, and successful applicants are invited to attend compulsory orientation later in the year.
We are committed to recruiting Safety award tutors at least every 4-years.
Note your interest in your Paddle Scotland JustGo profile and we will contact you when applications open.
We will be recruiting for new tutors in April 2025.
Further details on the provider requirements will be available in due course.
Applications will open in April 2025, and successful applicants are invited to attend compulsory orientation later in the year.
We are committed to recruiting Safety award tutors at least every 4-years.
Note your interest in your Paddle Scotland JustGo profile and we will contact you when more information is available and when applications open.
The last round of recruitment took place in April 2023. Next recruitment expected in 2027 or sooner.
Note your interest in your SCA JustGo profile and we will contact you.
We will be recruiting for new tutors in April 2025.
Further details on the provider requirements will be available in due course.
Applications will open in April 2025, and successful applicants are invited to attend compulsory orientation later in the year.
Note your interest in your Paddle Scotland JustGo profile and we will contact you when more information is available and when applications open.
Given the small number of candidates presenting for Performance Coach we will recruit on a demand based need following an annual review* in January each year. This workforce is managed at a UK level.
Note your interest on your record and be the first to find out about upcoming opportunities.
If you are interested in becoming a provider, we recommend that you consider these factors to ensure that you are in a position to submit a strong application: