Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - we need YOU...
The SCA is working hard towards making our sport more inclusive as you will have seen in recent articles in Scottish Paddler. Our ultimate aim is to remove barriers connected to all nineprotected characteristics, though initially we are focusing on how to make paddlesport as welcoming and inclusive for those within the following protected characteristics:
People with a disability
Age - targeted at younger and older paddlers
Sexual orientation and Gender Identity
With this in mind the SCA Equality Group decided the best way to move this forward was to form a group to work on each of these areas. The first group - The Female Equality Group
has been formed as you may have already seen and have already begun to take positive action.
For this all to work we really need your help
to make it happen. If you would like to volunteer and get involved with any of these groups you can contact the Equality Group equality@canoescotland.org
saying which group you are interested in supporting and why you would like to get involved. Closing date for these groups is Monday 16th November
Are you passionate about paddlesports and eager to share your knowledge? We’re offering two upcoming Tutor Orientation Events that could be the perfect next step on your journey.