Beyond Adventure has always had a very strong ethos when it comes to the environment and using it sustainably. Their green policy has been something that they have strived to improve in the last 3 years, spreading the word about how to treat the Scottish landscape so that future generations can enjoy it.
In 2018, Beyond Adventure opened a grove with Trees for Life to offset their annual carbon emissions. Planting trees every year to keep pushing forward with this. In 2019 they partnered up with Planet Patrol who use paddle boards to clean up rubbish from rivers.
In 2020 they introduced Beaver safaris on the River Tay to highlight the diverse wildlife that can be found locally and in 2021, they helped to launch Keep Scotland Beautiful's Upstream Battle Campaign, to both highlight and combat the fact that 80% of pollution found in the world's oceans originates from inland waterways. In 2022, Beyond Adventure aim to campaign for more responsible access for all paddlers to access Loch Fiskally.