British Canoeing Annual General Meeting 2023

December 7, 2022

The British Canoeing AGM will take place, online, on Saturday 11 March 2023

This is a formal meeting of British Canoeing members, including British Canoeing UK members, providing an opportunity to review the work of the organisation over the past 12 months, to discuss and approve the organisation’s finances, assess current progress against the strategy as well as confirm the appointment of Board Directors.

Scottish Canoe Association Full Members are Scottish members of British Canoeing and therefore eligible to attend the British Canoeing AGM.

Following the success of the virtual AGM in 2021 which achieved record attendance, the 2023 AGM will be a fully virtual meeting with members given the opportunity to participate in the meeting via an online platform.

The meeting will again be hosted on the Lumi platform to keep proceedings as familiar as possible.

The meeting will start at 10am and all of our members are welcome to attend with further details of the business of the AGM, including the virtual platform joining arrangements, the Agenda, and the Voting by Proxy form, being posted on British Canoeing’s website on or before Friday 17th February 2023.

In accordance with our Articles of Association, all members are entitled to submit a motion (a proposal to be voted on by the members) for inclusion within the AGM agenda. 

Any motions for discussion at the Annual General Meeting must be signed by two Full Individual Members, entitled to vote in accordance with the British Canoeing Articles of Association. 

In accordance with Article 17, motions should be lodged between 11th December 2022 and 11th January 2023 and these can be submitted via email to Nancy Squires, Director of Governance at British Canoeing at any time during this period.

British Canoeing Presidential Nominations

The role of President of British Canoeing is for individuals who have demonstrated outstanding service to British Canoeing or the National Associations. 

It is an honorary position and carries no executive or decision making powers. 


The role of President of British Canoeing is elected every two years at the Annual General Meeting and the initial term of our current President, Dee Paterson, expires at the AGM in March 2023. 

In accordance with the British Canoeing Articles of Association, any two Full Individual Members being from any different two of British Canoeing and the

National Associations may propose and second respectively a person to be President. 

The President shall serve for two years initially but can serve for a further two year term if so elected. 

The form must be completed by the proposer, seconder and the nominee. The form also contains guidance on the election procedure, as well as detailing the role and commitment required of the President.

In order to be nominated for President, the form must be completed and submitted to British Canoeing’s Director of Governance, Nancy Squires at by 11th January 2023.

If only one nomination is received by the deadline, that nomination will be put forward for approval by the members at the 2023 AGM.

Download the British Canoeing President Nomination Form here

Roles and Responsibilities of the British Canoeing President are available here

We look forward to welcoming as many members as possible at the AGM!     


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